Jyth Ashtami Celebration Event 28th May 2023
Namaskar Sarinee,
28th May 2023 is Jyth Ashtami and a very important/ spiritual day for Kashmiri pandits.
KHST Hyderabad is organising a get together to celebrate this pious festival at Bhagwan jaggan nath temple Banjara hills Hyderabad. We will start with Puja followed by Aarti and then sing Kashmiri bhajans/ Leela together. We will try to recreate the same environment what used to be at any Mata ka Asthapan in our motherland.

We will start at 6.00 PM and close at 11.00 PM . We will have dinner there for those who don’t have fast and arrange fruits for those on fast. Pl do join with family and friends and be part of Jyeth Astami celebrations. All devotees can bring Puja samagri as per their shrada. Like flowers, Diya , Dhoop and Agarbatti etc. Also get your Leela kitab and sing Kashmiri Leela as per your devotion.
Namaskar, Team KHST