It was a great feeling to join my KP overseas community program Diwali celebrations, Festival of Light … to make the world a brighter place. The program was in New Jersey. Thanks to my Dearest friend Dr. Sushma Dhar Koul and his husband Rakesh Koul for inviting me to this program. This KP community is very vibrant, warmth and lovely. I had very good time with all the lovely people here. Thanks to KOA Zonal Director Dr.Archana ji who introduced me to New Jersey KP community as executive member of KHST.
The program started with “OM JAI JAGDIESHE HARE”, followed by wonderful Kids songs and dances, then there were beautiful elders performances. The most important part of the program was to get the “ideas’’about how to put our true narrative regarding Kashmir in different platforms. The need of this is felt because very strong and well funded opposition is putting untrue narrative about Kashmir, people feel even some of our Indians are believing their untrue narrative.

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